Brian Chamberlain, co-owner of Club Fit 24/7, gives some tips on staying fit from home
EVERY year we put on weight during the holidays. If you’re one of the few who doesn’t, well, then good for you. For the rest of the world, we thought it a good idea to prep with some excercises you can do at home (with dumbbells, kettle balls or even text books) to be more proactive this year.
For help we turned to Brian Chamberlain, a former professional body builder who is now a personal trainer and co-owner of Club Fit 24/7. The following excercises incorporate balance and coordination for extensive muscle recruitment, meaning you get more bang for your buck. “The more muscles you involve, the more you stimulate your metabolism, and the more calories you burn,” says Brian. These excercises are set to work the core and help you tone and burn calories, rather than bulking up.
1. Squat Shoulder Press
From a standing position, angle your feet slightly outward in the same direction your femur (thigh bone) will point when you bend your knees. Then, bring the weights above your shoulders, making sure to keep your forearms vertical.
Breathe in as you squat down, making sure to keep your back arched, head up, and chest and butt out. Squat until your hips and knees align.
Exhale as you stand back up and extend your arms all the way.
2. Deadlift
Start this one from a standing position with the weights hanging at your sides.
Again, angle your feet outward in the same direction as your femur.Keep your head up.
Inhale and slowly squat down, making sure to keep your back arched with your head up, and chest and butt out.
Stop when your hands are at about mid-shin.
Exhale as you stand back up, and clinch the entire posterior (back) side of your body tight, bringing your shoulder blades together.
3. One-Legged Dumbbell Back Row
With your back arched and your body parallel to the ground, lift one leg off the ground.
Hang your arms in front of you with weights in hand.
Keep your back arched and head up. Also, keep your elbows close to your body.
Slowly pull your elbows back and up as high as you can, then slowly let them back down.
Switch legs and repeat.
4. Run
The surest way to keep the weight off is with cardio. So, no matter how hard it may be to motivate yourself, you’ve just gotta do it. You can either get out and brave the elements, or you can head on down to the gym.
For more advice, find Brian at Club Fit 24/7, located at 348 Hannum Avenue. The gym is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week (hence the name). You can give them a call at 610-430-2048 or visit them on the web: Photos by Adam Jones