West Chester Sport & Social presents recreational Spring sports for the area’s active men and women. Sports include: coed kickball, men’s softball, coed softball and grass volleyball. Join with a team full of friends or independently, as a free agent.
Sunday men’s softball, Sunday coed kickball and Sunday coed softball begin April 3rd. Weekend coed softball starts April 18th and Tuesday night grass volleyball begins April 26th. Register early before spots fill up!
To register for one or all of the above sports and to view the game schedule visit here. For more information or questions email dan@playphillysports.com or call 215-483-9340. Like West Chester Sport & Social on Facebook for current updates and news.
Coed kickball, Coed Softball, Coed sports, Grass volleyball, Local events, local sports, Men's softball, recreational sports, Sunday sports, West Chester Downtown, West Chester Sport Social, West Chester sports