West Chester University presents the entertaining Popovich Comedy Pet Theater this Friday, April 1st. Known as the “best family attraction,” the famous show fuses juggling skills and unique comedy of Gregory Popovich with his performing pets.
From balancing acts to European-style clowning, the audience will stay entertained the entire show. Shetland pony “Diamond” and the German goat duo “Kurt and Helga” will be joining Gregory and his cast of jugglers, clowns, and more than 30 pets including house cats and dogs (all adopted from animal shelters), geese, white doves, and parrots.
The show will take place from 7:30-9pm in the Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall, Philips Memorial Building, 700 S. High Street.
To find out more information about The Popvich Comedy Pet Theater visit here. To purchase tickets visit here. Senior and student discounts ticket prices are available. Follow WCU Live! on Facebook for event updates.