Explore the myths and realities of the years 1954 through 1974 at The Sixties symposium. On Saturday April 16th at the Chester County Historical Society, guests speakers will provide insight into the turbulence, turmoil, creativity and accomplishments of the 1960s through the music, fads, fashions and protests of twenty years that defined a unique generation.
Oral historians at the event include; keynote speaker, Emma Lapsansky of Haverford College, Michael Long of Elizabethtown College, Jo B. Paoletti, Bill Ehrhart of Haverford School, Michell Muldoon, Kim Holston, Mark Oppenlander and closing remarks by Michael Peich.
Registration for the event begins at 8:15 am, with coffee and pastries available during this time. Registration includes lunch (sandwich and salad buffet), refreshments and the closing reception. Advance paid symposium registration will offer a $5 discount for general admission to the CCHS Antiques Show on April 2 or 3, 2016. CCHS membership may be purchased at time of registration.
At 8:45 am the event will commence with the welcome and opening remarks. The symposium will end at 4 pm with the closing reception.
For more information or to rvsp for the event contact: rsvp@chestercohistorical.org or 610-692-4800. Visit the Chester County Historical Society’s webpage for additional details.