Are you a history buff or just a lover of all things West Chester? Join the kickoff event for the Town Tours and Village Walks series tomorrow night, June 15th, at the Chester County Historical Society! Pre-registration will begin at 5:30p.m., with the tour beginning at 6:30p.m.
This kickoff tour will the Goshen area dating all the way back to 1777, exploring the Revolutionary War and its influence around Goshen and the surrounding West Chester area, starting first at the Turks Head Inn and will conclude at the northeast quadrant of present-day West Chester.
- Marquis de Lafayette
- Marshall Square Park
- Victorian architecture
- The Chester County Hospital
- Private academies
- Industrialization
- Plants
- Nurseries
1777 is a significant year for West Chester because at the time, our town was only comprised of the Turks Head Inn and various other buildings and farmhouses scattered throughout the area. Present-day West Chester is a lively town with numerous events happening every day, as well as multiple restaurants, bars, lodgings, and activities.
The Chester County Historical Society is located at 225 N. High Street.
June 22: Two Days Before Brandywine
On September 9, 1777, a Royal Army comprised of 15,000 soldiers and camp followers began their trek into Philadelphia through Kennett Village. During this tour, you will be able to see important locations where the soldiers were crossing into Philadelphia, while re-enactors will recreate the journey, including the arrival, encampment, and departure of the British and Hessian troops.
This tour will take place in Kennett Square
June 29: The British Flank at Trimble’s Ford: An Archaeological Journey
Retrace the steps of the Royal Army the morning after the Battle of Brandywine, as the Royal Army formed 2 columns in Kennett Square, led by General Sir William Howe, General Cornwallis and 8,500 soldiers to outflank General Washington’s sources.