“We sell the best of the best, anything that’s unique, different, and artistic,” said Robert, owner of Artistic Eyewear. “The frame is a part of who you are.”
When I walked into Artistic Eyewear’s boutique on North High Street, I was amazed at how many different styles of glasses there were. For our photo shoot, we used ones by Thierry Lasry, Sabine Be, and Dita. Robert explained to me how each designer differed and developed their own style.
“Thierry Lasry is handmade in France. It has absolutely the best quality materials and craftsmanship,” Robert explained. “He’s the designer and he only does glasses and high-end fashion magazines. It’s a style unto itself. It’s a great and unique product.”
Sabine Be is also a French designer who, according to Robert, created a very unique and colorful line. Oftentimes, she will participate in FaceTime calls with Artistic Eyewear when they have open-trunk fashion shows to really explain her tips and tricks of the trade. And Dita, another designer we used, is a California-based company, but all of their frames are made in Japan. The frames are incredibly intricate, with gold plates and roughly 34 parts, whether metal or plastic, in each of them. Robert explained why most of their frames come from outside the country, Europe in particular.
“We go to Europe a lot because they’re about 10 years ahead of us in fashion,” Robert explained. “Especially France, Germany, Italy, and England. We go to the source and see the fashion we want to be ahead of in our trends.”
Artistic Eyewear, under the name, “Point of View,” was originally based in Israel and owned by Robert’s mother. Currently, his sister runs the store in Israel, while Robert runs Artistic Eyewear in Doylestown and West Chester, a branch which opened five years ago. To learn more about Artistic Eyewear, visit them online and check out our August Style Guide!