From Friday, October 20th until Sunday, October 21st, experience this classic and revitalized tragic story of “Dracula” with the Brandywine Ballet at West Chester University‘s Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall. The play begins in 1462 in Romania, when political unrest with Turkey makes Prince Dracula go into battle and leave his bride, Elisbeta, behind. Believed to be dead, Elisabeta commits suicide, and, when he realized his bride was dead, Prince Dracula vowed “never to die” until he could see his beloved Elisabeta again.
400 years later, our story begins. In this gripping and chilling tale, experience the horror, drama, and passion, as Prince Dracula, the strongest vampire in Transylvania, searches for his beloved bride…and the consequences that follow. Donna Muzio, founding artistic director of the Brandywine Ballet, provided a foreword on this performance.
“‘Dracula is eerie and dark,” she said. “But it’s also romantic and a favorite of mine.”
This production of Dracula stars Tim Early in the title role, Jaime Lennon Louis as Elisabeta and Mina Murray, Rick Callender as Jonathan Harker, Sydney Bennett as Lucy Westerna, and Joe Colter and Caleaf Henson as Lucy’s Suitors. An outstanding cast accompanies them as an ensemble for scenes like Lucy’s Masquerade Ball and the creepy, crawling vampires that follow Dracula’s lead.
The only noticeable differences between the original text and this ballet adaption were the removal of side characters like Dracula’s servant, Renfield, and Lucy’s third suitor. I had the opportunity to watch this performance this morning and I found it to be haunting and ghostly — yet, I was warmed by the passion of Dracula and Elisabeta/Mina’s tragic, star-crossed romance. Which amazed me because, as a ballet, no words were spoken, but the play didn’t need them at all. The performance was striking without words. Tim Early and the entire cast showed unrivaled flair and chilling poise throughout the entire show.
To purchase tickets, check out the Brandywine Ballet online.