Chatting with one of the borough’s business owners
This month, in our “West Chester Reads” issue, we chatted with Frank Eckley, the owner of Market Street Hardware, abou this work ethic and building friendships and businesses.
You just opened up. What were you doing before?
Previously, I owned Parkway Hardware. I closed up that store at the end of 2013. I re-opened as a Key and Lock shop doing hardware store services in the Parkway Center, until an old friend of mine came in and had the idea to go back into the hardware and general store business.
You must have a passion for this kind of business.
Yes. I re-opened in 2014 as Key Cuttery. We started working on the hardware store project back in February of this year and opened this store at the end of May.
What do you enjoy most?
It doesn’t feel like work, it feels like coming to a community social. I love the West Chester people. We have all walks of life. I like joking around with people. I have a good sense of humor that’s carried me through the hard times.
Besides a sense of humor, what else is essential to owning a business?
A passion to get up every day. We are a seven-day-a-week business. I’m here an average of six days a week. Even when I’m not here, my phone is ringing with questions.
What’s been the most exciting moment?
The day the truck came and the merchandising took place when we had first opened up. That was exciting to see the shelves full and to see it transform. We were delayed, so we had a fully-stocked store, but we couldn’t open the store until May, and we were stocked in April.
What do you like to do outside the store?
I’ve coached in the semi-pro baseball league here for over a decade. I’m also passionate about hunting, fishing, and collecting antique cars.
To read the entire article, check out our West Chester Reads issue around the borough and online. We’ve got some great articles this month.