Uptown and World Cafe Live Set to Collaborate
Bringing the best creative talents of Philadelphia to West Chester.
One of Philadelphia’s hottest music venues, World Cafe Live is partnering with West Chester’s Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center. World Cafe Live is known for its special music concerts and events. And I can vouch for that — I once saw a small concert with an intimate dinner there and my old soul was thrilled by the acoustics.
Throughout Uptown’s building success during its first brick-and-mortar year, the theater center caught the attention of promoters from World Cafe Live who were looking to “as an ideal venue to serve up world-class concerts to patrons west of Philadelphia.” And with their bar situated in a spacious room, and its main stage downstairs, Uptown can certainly be appreciated by old and new lovers of music and live performances.
The fruits of this new partnership between Uptown and World Cafe Live can be experienced with their first collaborative piece held on February 23rd: “Live at the Fillmore,” a piece which is recognized and revered for its tribute to the original Allman Brothers Band. “Live at the Fillmore” will act as a homage and recreate their music style.
Following this show, the next Uptown/World Cafe Live collaboration will be a performance by American music icon, Tom Rush, who plays his folk and blues music and is said to have inspired artists like James Taylor, Tom Petty, Emmylou Harris, and Joni Mitchell. This year will be his 52nd year on stage and he will celebrate it by doing what he loves most: singing and playing his self-composed songs.
You can purchase tickets online for “Live at the Fillmore” for February 23rd and Tom Rush for March 26th. For a complete calendar of events at Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center, visit them online and mark your own calendars for exciting new events, concerts, speakers, and of course, World Cafe Live.