Since 1956 Lamont Coffee has provided excellent coffee beans and a personal touch.
Found in “Family Owned & Operated.”
If you’ve enjoyed a cup of coffee at the DK Diner in the past 40 years, you can thank the Lamont family. For four generations, they’ve supplied area restaurants and businesses with their signature blends and personalized service.
Co-owner Jim Lamont joined the business when Brazil’s Black Frost caused prices to sky-rocket, nearly putting Lamont Coffee out of business in the 1970s. “My Dad had to lay off two of his workers, so I came to work for free,” Jim said.
For Joe Lamont (Jim’s brother and co-owner), the decision to join the company took a bit more time. “After high school, I worked odd jobs in the restaurant industry and at a hospital, all of which had pretty crazy hours. That grew old quick.” When his Dad approached him about coming on board, a job with regular hours was a welcome opportunity.
Jim likens working with family members to being on a sports team. “If you play a sport, work is like ‘game time’ once the puck has been dropped,” he told us. “Off the field, you’re back to being friends.”
Today, Jim’s and Joe’s sons have joined the team. “It’s something they’ve all wanted to get involved with,” said Joe. “Coffee is like wine now. Millennials are into it, and it’s the hip thing.”
Even non-family members might as well be family members, according to Joe. “A guy who’s worked here for 37 years—people always think his last name is Lamont.”
Customer focus has set them apart since the beginning. “We go out and visit our customers,” said Joe. “And lots of them say, ‘Wow, you guys really came to see us. We never see other owners.’ It means a lot, and that really hits home.”