Abbi – Artistic Eyewear
From our May “Summer Style” issue.
For the Layman family, glasses do more than just improve eyesight — the right frames can completely change your look. The family-owned business opened 30 years ago in Israel, later expanding to Doylestown. Today, the five-year-old West Chester location is easily recognized by its inviting decor, frames, and Robert Layman, Artistic Eyewear’s local owner.
After all the rain West Chester has seen recently, it’s unexpectedly bright and sunny outside. But your $8 over-the-counter knock-off sunglasses are long since forgotten under one of West Chester’s park benches…or perhaps they are lost forever in the black hole that is the back of your car. Either way, the West Chester sun is uncomfortably harsh today. You see the familiar red overhang with the words “Artistic Eyewear” on the front and step inside.
The AC is blowing a gentle, cool breeze throughout the store as soft jazz plays through the ceiling speakers. Decorative lamps and spotlights shine on the store’s many designer frames from all over the world. As your eyes adjust to the light difference, they settle on one pair of frames in particular.
The Probably frames by Thierry Lasry are probably the best thing you’ve seen today. A lightweight, gold-toned metal, handcrafted in France, the frames fit your face comfortably. And the reflective lenses tint the world so you’re not blinded by the summer light.
With newfound determination to take on the May day, you step out into the sunlight and see clearly for the first time today.
Probably frames. Thierry Lasry. $695.
Artistic Eyewear is at 127 N High Street. Check them out online or call them at 610.738.7150.