Everything Matt knows about owning a pizza shop, he learned from his sister, a co-owner. Now 10 years later, they serve pizza and so much more!
Found in “Family Owned & Operated.”
“We’re lucky — we get to spend a lot of time together,” said America’s Pie owner Matthew Reed. “A lot of families don’t get to see each other very much.”
Ten years working at his sister’s pizza shop taught him everything he needed. “It was the first shop I ever worked at. She taught me a ton and got me in the business.” And then there is Matt’s brother, who also owned a pizza shop for five years.
After Matt had America’s Pie really rolling, he brought both of them on board as general managers. “I knew they’d give me their all. Trust is a huge thing — to trust that someone is going to do it the way that you want it done,” he said. “With family, I know they’re not gonna lose their cool and they’ll make the same decisions that I would make. If I need a day off, I don’t have to worry about the shop.”
Customers reap the benefits. “Family businesses are way more personalized.” Matt noted. “You’re going to get more attentive service. Everybody calls my mom, ‘Mom.'”
But the work ethic extends to employees too. “They see my mom in here giving 110 percent, and she’s 68. She keeps the place immaculate. She cares about it like it’s her own. So does everyone. And they’re a great example for other employees.”