Check out what’s happening in West Chester this week!

July 25:
Summer Jazz Factory Concert
Located at The Center of Performing Fine Arts, Join in on an end-of-summer concert featuring both middle school and high school students in jazz combo performances. Tickets are $10 and available through the CPFA Box Office or online. The performance runs from 5-7pm.
The MissBehavin’ Band
MissBehavin’ Band is a rockin’ cover band, performing a mix of material from the 60s to today, like Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Metallica, Jefferson Airplane, Rolling Stones, and more. And you can catch them at this free event from 7-8pm at East Bradford Park.
Applebrook Golf Outing
This residents-only golf outing starts at 9am and spends the entire day on the green. Residents can bring up to three guests. A shotgun tee time begins at 1pm. Registration is $105, and $155 if registering with a caddy.
Dueling Pianos at Uptown!
This ongoing series features a new duo every month as they battle for the best piano performance of the night. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Each include a $3 service fee. The show begins at 8pm!
July 27th
Comedian Jim McCue at Uptown!
“A mixture of witty “A-list material” and his ability to work off-script has earned Jim McCue the title “Boston’s King of Crowd Work!” It’s not only his height of six foot six that makes Jim stand head and shoulders above club comedians of the “stick-to-the-script” variety. Jim blends thought-provoking material and uncanny improv skills with a style that encourages audience participation. No two shows are ever the same!” -Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts CenterThe show starts at 8pm, and tickets are available online for $27.
July 29th
Goshen County Fair
The 70th Annual Goshen County Fair is back, featuring amusement rides, delicious food, games of chance, agriculture contests, animal exhibits, and more. The fair is a week long event, ending August 3. The grounds will open at 6pm Monday through Friday, and Saturday at 5pm, free to attend.