A brief, amusing and mostly accurate overview of the history of publishing in West Chester. Kate Chadwick pays tribute to some of the publications that have paved the way for The WC Press.

photo courtesy of Chester County Historical Society
Once upon a time, humans placed a high value on communicating with one another through words and pictures. Okay, they still do, and you probably need look no further for proof of that than the person nearest to you right this minute, who is no doubt texting, messaging, or emailing someone on his or her phone or other device.
The written word has been a compelling part of the human experience for approximately 5,000 years. And while actual publishers didn’t come along quite that early, they’ve been around for some time, too, as we discovered when we took a look back at the history of publishing in the borough of West Chester.
While this fine publication you’re holding—or reading on your tablet—is no doubt your favorite West Chester periodical, there are many that have gone before, as well as a couple that have stood the test of time. We present here a brief overview of the history of select periodicals published specifically here in our town, from some of the key players to the one-hit wonders.